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Perhaps you are drawn to and mesmerized by the sound of four or five powerful strings on an Electric Bass Guitar? You obviously have a keen appreciation for the sub-sonic frequency and power of the Bass. And who could blame you?

Like Drum Rhythms, Bass is one of the key foundations of music on which everything else rests.

Texas StringsĀ® offers quality instruction in Electic Bass guitar. Whether it is Jazz, Country, Rock or whatever your genre' we can help you build the skills you need to not only be skillful at playing the electric Bass, but after solid lessons from Texas Strings you'll be in demand!

EVERY musical group craves to have a solid Bass player to help drive their music. There simply are not enough bass players in the world and we can get you where you want to go with the Electric Bass!

Individual instruction is included in the curriculum to provide a broad range of musical experiences. Music theory and music reading are also included as part of the curriculum.

You can experience the rewarding results of learning to play basic rhythms and notes after just a few lessons.